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21301 Powerline Rd Suite 101 Boca Raton, FL 33433 United States


A topical numbing agent is placed on the eyebrows for 20 minutes. After, the eyebrows are thoroughly examine and measure to find the perfect arch, shape and thickness for the face, muscle and bone structure. To insure accurate measurements, a special ruler is placed on the forehead and also a special app is used to make sure they are perfect. After the client confirmed the shape of the design, it is showtime… There are two rounds of microblading. With each round being ver similar in execution. Individual strokes are made with pigment to mimic the eyebrow hair-strands. Round two consists of additional numbing gel and more individual microblading strokes. Then a pigment mask is apply to the eyebrows for 10 minutes so the skin can absorb it. The whole process takes one hour and a half to two hours.