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21301 Powerline Rd Suite 101 Boca Raton, FL 33433 United States

Lash Lift

Lash Lift
Lash lift and tint

Lash Lift is a semi-permanent treatment designed to lift and curl your natural lashes, giving them a more pronounced and glamorous look. This procedure is perfect for individuals who desire longer-looking and more defined lashes without the need for extensions or daily curling.

During the Lash Lift procedure, our experienced technicians apply a specially formulated keratin-based solution to your lashes. The solution gently lifts and curls the lashes from the base, creating a beautiful upward curl that opens up your eyes and makes your lashes appear longer. The process is customized to suit your desired curl intensity, ensuring that the results meet your individual preferences.

The Lash Lift treatment typically takes about one hour to complete. It is a comfortable and painless procedure that allows you to relax and enjoy some well-deserved pampering. Our technicians prioritize your comfort and safety, using high-quality products and adhering to strict sterilization protocols.

After Care

After the Lash Lift, we provide a nourishing conditioner specifically designed for lashes. This conditioner helps to keep your lashes hydrated, healthy, and nourished. Regular use of the conditioner can enhance the longevity of the Lash Lift results and promote the overall health of your lashes.

Long Lasting

One of the significant benefits of Lash Lift is that it provides long-lasting results. The lifted and curled effect can last for several weeks, with most clients enjoying the results for six to eight weeks, or even longer in some cases. As your natural lashes naturally shed and regrow, the effects gradually diminish over time.


Lash Lift is a versatile treatment that can be combined with lash tinting to add additional definition and depth to your lashes. Lash tinting involves applying a tint to your lashes, giving them a darker and more intensified appearance. The combination of Lash Lift and tinting creates a dramatic and eye-catching effect.

Book a Lash Lift

At iBrow and Beauty Boutique, we are committed to helping you achieve stunning and captivating lashes. Our Lash Lift service utilizes a keratin-based solution to lift and curl your natural lashes, creating a beautiful and long-lasting result. Experience the convenience and beauty of Lash Lift at iBrow and Beauty Boutique, where your satisfaction is our top priority. Book a consultation today and let our skilled technicians elevate your lash game to new heights.